Healthy Heart Wisdom

Finally, heart health experts agree adage grandmother. The wisdom of her no longer goes against the medical code. Well known for its sense of wisdom his grandmother would often say that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Anyone who has received unwanted life-changing event such as a hospital because of drinking binge, a severed toe from whizzing mower blade or a car accident while reading text messages will quickly tell you “grandmother” was right.

After much study, research and thousands of case studies, scientists believe that philosophy Grandma key to many of our current health care woes. They have proven that it is easier to prevent certain diseases than it is to cure them. Prevention has also proven to be the most effective way to curb rising health care costs. It has become the preferred choice for doctors and patients alike. The new paradigm of preventive medicine has almost replaced the old paradigm of medicine disease state as a first approach. The older approach focused primarily on the condition, management and treatment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now claim that more than 75% of our diseases are preventable or reversible. Although many of us are looking for ways to take charge of our health profiles and improve the state of our health, though not a majority miserably when it comes to reducing the risk for some cancers, heart disease and diabetes. In our search for a preventive lifestyle modification we often find ourselves imprisoned by the shackles of habit and ignorance.

The ancient text of Proverbs tells us that desire without knowledge is not good. Behavioral science show that inspired no information leading to frustration and ultimately failure. Because most of us do not understand why we choose often behavior that is anti proactive, and become victims can only respond to the health crisis.

To achieve lasting preventive Lifestyle changes need a clear understanding of the urgency for change. This means more than “know your numbers”. It means knowing what uncontrollable and controllable risk factors for heart disease you are. Ask your doctor or hospital what the numbers are and what they mean. Then follow your doctor or hospital is advice.Let this insight into the status of your health (risk vs. results) will be an incentive to make the changes necessary and durable.

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